Starter P
Designed to deliver faster, stronger and more even germination
Starter fertilizer for in-furrow
What is it?
- High Phosphorus content
- Formulated with 70% Ortho- (readily available form) and 30% Poly-phosphate (converts slowly as the soil warms up).
- Low salt index
- No chloride
- Seed safe
- The product is available in 10 L jugs, 450 L and 1000 L IBC’s
why use it?
- When seeding into cold and wet conditions
- In soils with high levels of Ca2+, Fe3+ or Al3+
- Use to improve early season availability and uptake of Phosphorus.
- Use to reduce phosphorus tie-up by Ca2+, Fe3+ or Al3+
- Use to supplement a well-balanced soil fertility program
What to expect?
- Improved root and shoot development and crop establishment
- Strong advantage of the crop over the weeds
- Enhanced tolerance to early-season environmental stress
- Fewer signs of phosphorus deficiency in the seedlings (purpling)
Application Guidelines
- 3-5 US gal/ac in-furrow
- Can be combined with other fertilizer mixes (i.e. UAN, ATS, KTS, KOH, etc.)
- Starter P can be used with OMEX EDTA-chelated micronutrients as required
- Always recommended to use a complete spring-applied fertilizer program.
- Starter P is a trademark of OMEX Agriculture Inc.
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